Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bloggers, A new source of news

I agree with the statement in the book in page 5. Now a day all the people can have and make blog. They don't need to take course for make a blog, no need people have a profesional writing. Actually blog is kind of in line diary, feel free to write anythig what you feel, no pressure and also in bloge you can post your diary to publish. So, everyone can read your diary and give comment to you....

We need to know some basic stuff to write in blog, sometimes bloge its little bit make us confused. Like when we try to relucant to show the blog, probably have something secret. So bloggers should know how to make that private, so no one people can read our blog if they think that is private and no important. China is one of the example can't make blog and give the opinion that is because the cencorship holds sway or Burma. Burmese is able to show, so hard did it become for the few foreign journalist who manageto enter the country to get back out with their footage.

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